# Firstly, don't take a long bath as it can stripe the oils from your skin faster. long or hot bath can actually dry your skin. try to limit yourself to 5-10 minutes.

# Second, use a gentle clenser or shower gel with moisturizer. If possible go for a unscented, soap-free, or mild soap cleanser.

#Moisturize while your skin is moist: pat your skin with a towel after showering while leaving your skin damp. Apply a moisturizer within three to five minutes of washing to lock the moisture in your skin.


#Ingredient for a moisturizer must contained:

1. Ceramides[help skin hold water and soothe dry skin]

2. Dimethiocone and glycerin[draw water to the skin]

3. Hyaluronic acid[helps skin hold water]

4. Lanolin, mineral oil, and petroleum jelly[keep water in skin] 

#Follow the CTM routine( cleansing, toner and moisturize):

By CTM routine, combination skin type people can have a flawless skin much faster than other skin type.

#Use a toner:

Toner is a must for people who have combination skin to oily skin. it helps in balancing the skin by removing the last traces of your cleanser and helps in shrinking open pores.

#Moisturize often:

By applying light moisturizer it will moisturizes the dry area of the skin and mattifies the oily arcas on the face.


#Wash your face twice a day:

once in the morning and once before bed. if you wash your face too much it can actually strip away all the natural moisturizer and increase oil production on the skin.

#Look for facial Cleanser that contain:

1. Benzoyl peroxide

2. Salicylic acid

3. Glycolic acid

4. Beta-hydroxy

#Don't scrub your face too often as it could increase oil production.

#Wear moisturizer that is water base and not night moisturizer because even when the skin is oily it still require moisturize to the skinas to reduce scarring from old acne. 

#When choosing make-up, make sure it is a water base so it will not clog your face.

#Exfoliate your face once a week as to avoid acne.